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Category: Без категории
Published on Sunday, 01 December 2024 15:43
Written by Макаревич Евгения
Hits: 126
Example of the Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine of 1993-1998

- paper document;
- background with a grid pattern;
- series (two Cyrillic letters), 6-digit number;
- signatures of the officials;
- seal;
- size when opened (mm): 210х310.

- paper document;
- grid watermarks;
- series (two Cyrillic letters), 6-digit number;
- signatures of the officials;
- seal;
- size when opened (mm): 100х297.
Candidate of Sciences Diploma was made in two forms that have the same series and number. The forms have the same legal force and are issued to its holder.
Example of the Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine of 1998-2011
- numbered security hologram;
- series (two Cyrillic letters), 6-digit number;
- signatures of the officials;
- seal;
- size when opened (mm): 210х297.
Example of the Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine
from March to November 2011
- series (two Cyrillic letters), 6-digit number;
- signatures of the officials;
- seal;
- size when opened (mm): 210х297.
Example of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine
(Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine) from November 2011 to December 2014
- series (two Cyrillic letters), 6-digit number;
- signatures of the officials;
- seal;
- size when opened (mm): 210х297 (± 0.5).
Example of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine starting in 2014
- series (two Cyrillic letters), 6-digit number;
- signatures of the officials;
- seal;
- duplication of information in English;
- size when opened (mm): 210х297 (± 0.5).
The documents issued by higher education institutions of Ukraine are not limited to the examples posted on the ENIC Ukraine website.
You can check the documents in the register of documents on higher education on the website of Inforesurs, State Enterprise, or check the apostille stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science on this website. If the check is unsuccessful, you should send a request to the higher education institution or our Centre.
Updated: November 2024
This information has been produced with the financial support of the Council of Europe. The views expressed by the author can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe.