As part of the UaReConnect project "Reconnecting Ukrainian Educational Area", the training "Study results obtained in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine: opportunities for education applicants and verification methods" was held at the ENIC Ukraine office. The event was attended by 57 specialists from the ENIC Ukraine departments for verification of educational documents and recognition of foreign qualifications. The training took place in two stages – November 8 and 15.
During the event, the participants were familiarized with the possibilities of verifying Ukrainian documents on education issued in the territories before the start of hostilities or temporary occupation (speaker T. Boichenko), cases of falsification of Ukrainian documents on education (speaker H. Hordzii), recognition of study results obtained at the TOT of Ukraine (speakers T. Vahina, A. Bakhlukova). ENIC Ukraine specialists used real examples to examine the possibilities of detecting fake education documents, learned about the pitfalls and challenges in the work of each department, the difficulties that arise while the verification of educational documents, providing information to foreign colleagues and partners, issuing information certificates to holders of Ukrainian educational documents who are abroad, etc.
Trainings of this format are a unique opportunity to exchange professional experience and information on the specifics of the work of each of the ENIC Ukraine departments. The training participants thanked the project team for the opportunity to participate and expressed their wish to hold joint trainings as often as possible.
This information has been produced with the financial assistance of the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe.