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The Electronic Register of Apostilles contains information about Apostilles affixed to documents related to the field of education and science and issued in Ukraine. The search works for Apostilles issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine since January 18, 2013. To check the Apostille, enter uncut the following:
- the Apostille number (point 8 of the Apostille);
- the number of application (additional number located above the barcode in the AZ-12345-67 format);
- the Apostille’s issue date (point 6 of the Apostille).
Please note that all three fields are required to be filled in, and letters contained in the numbers are entered in the Latin alphabet.
If the search does not give a result based on data of the Apostille issued after January 18, 2013, or you need to check an Apostille issued before this date, please send a request to the Centre’s e-mail
E-mail: centre@enic.in.ua