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- Category: Без категории
- Published on Wednesday, 01 November 2023 15:07
- Written by Макаревич Евгения
- Hits: 2248
Transparent and fair recognition of foreign educational qualifications is one of the key values of the Ukrainian educational community and European Higher Education Area.
In 2014, by the Law of Ukraine on Higher Education higher education institutions were given the right to carry out the recognition procedure, and with it the responsibility for their recognition decisions. Since then, the unified efforts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, ENIC Ukraine and higher education institutions of Ukraine to create a single platform for development of the national education system and quality assurance in education, promoting the culture of transparent and fair recognition, exchanging of good recognition practices, strengthening cooperation, training and monitoring became the priority goal of the Ukrainian education system.
All-Ukrainian Network for Recognition of Foreign Educational Qualifications UaReNet (Ukrainian Recognition Network) was created on the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and ENIC Ukraine as a member of the international ENIC-NARIC network and united the credential evaluators from all over Ukraine under one "UaReNet umbrella"!
On February 18, 2020, the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and ENIC Ukraine signed a memorandum on the launch and development of the All-Ukrainian Network of the Recognition of Foreign Educational Qualifications – UaReNet.
On March 2, 2020, the conference was held to launch the UaReNet network, which was attended by Ukrainian and international stakeholders. The initiative gained wide support, including representatives of the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee, ENIC Bureau of the ENIC-NARIC network, European Education Quality Assurance (EQAR), European Student Union (ESU), National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (NAQA), Erasmus+ office in Ukraine and other organizations. At the conference, 85 higher education institutions became members of the network. Read more >>
As Jenneke Lockhoff, Senior Policy Officer at ENIC-NARIC Netherlands (NUFFIC), who also served as Vice-President of the ENIC-NARIC Network in March 2020, noted:
“When I first heard that Ukraine intended to create a recognition network, I was very happy because I realized the great potential of it. I was impressed by the text of the Memorandum and admired the painstaking work to create this document. This is a significant achievement, it clearly defines the need for the implementation of the Lisbon Recognition Convention and, in a broader sense, its application to ensure access to higher education and lifelong learning. The Memorandum also affirms the principles of transparency, open dialogue and mutual respect, and by signing it, members agree to implement these principles.”
Permanent members of the network: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and ENIC Ukraine.
The functions of the UaReNet network coordinator are entrusted to ENIC Ukraine.
UaReNet Goals
- promoting growth of the academic mobility, ensuring equal access to higher education and employment for holders of foreign educational qualifications;
- expanding the rights and opportunities of every personality through the lifelong learning;
- enhancing and improving the quality of the recognition procedure of foreign educational qualifications in Ukraine;
- strengthening the cooperation of credential evaluators of Ukraine;
- establishing the information exchange and experience sharing;
- introduction and popularization of the best recognition practices of foreign educational qualifications;
- research and finding solutions for challenges in the recognition field.
UaReNet Principles
Principles of the UaReNet are based on compliance with:
- the provisions of the Convention on the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications in the European Region (Lisbon, April 11, 1997), subsidiary texts and recommendations;
- the provisions of the Global Convention on the Recognition of qualifications concerning Higher Education (Paris, November, 2019);
- Standards and Recommendations for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG Standards);
- foundations of transparency, responsibility, open dialogue, mutual respect and unity of the information exchange formats.
UaReNet Objectives
- promotion of effective interaction between the participants of the UaReNet network and international recognition networks;
- dissemination and observance of the idea of transparent and fair recognition in accordance with the Lisbon Recognition Convention, Global Recognition Convention, subsidiary texts and recommendations, ESG Standards, national legislation and leading recognition practices;
- expansion of information exchange between the UaReNet network participants, creating, developing and updating databases between ENIC Ukraine and higher education institutions;
- conducting events, providing informational-advisory services promoting transparent and fair recognition practices and global trends in the recognition of foreign educational qualifications;
- development and implementation of programs, courses and projects, including international, aimed at increasing awareness and experience exchange regarding recognition.
This information has been produced with the financial assistance of the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe.