
National Information Centre
of Academic Mobility

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Do we comply? ENIC Ukraine takes part in the first PLA of the I-Comply project

Europe and the world unite for the internationalization of education and academic mobility. Ukraine is not an exception. On the 26th of November 2019 the partners of the ERASMUS+ KA3 project «I-Comply: Implementation of LRC compliant recognition practices in the EHEA», including the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and State-owned company “Information and Image Centre” (the National Information Centre of Academic Mobility ENIC Ukraine), came together in Venice to discuss further actions for the implementation of Lisbon and further on Global Recognition Convention.

The highest tide in 50 years in Venice was not an obstacle for the dialogue and decision making in the field of information provision, optimal turnaround time and, most importantly, common understanding that recognition is an integral part of quality assurance in education, with the involvement of ENIC-NARICs to the quality assurance procedure in close cooperation with national quality assurance agencies in compliance with ESG 1.4. The main outcomes of the PLA are recommendations to be published soon. It is our honor and pleasure to inform that Kyiv will host the next PLA of the project on the 3d of March 2020. Follow the news on our site.