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Headway towards LRC-compliant recognition: TPG-LRC project outcomes
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- Category: News
- Published on Monday, 19 July 2021 08:07
- Written by Макаревич Евгения
- Hits: 2098
Over three years running ENIC Ukraine team in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine was and integral part of the dynamic group of experts within the consortium of ERASMUS+ΚΑ3 Support for Policy Reform programme TPG-LRC “Thematic Peer Group B on the Lisbon Recognition Convention”, coordinated by the Italian ENIC-NARIC centre CIMEA. Experts from 38 countries and leading international education organizations: CοΕ, UNESCO, EI-IE, EQAR, EURASHE, ESU, combined their expertise and efforts to contribute to the implementation of the second key Bologna commitment: cross-boarder recognition practices and legislation compliance with the Lisbon Recognition Convention.
Under the umbrella of the project 4 international meetings of project partners, series of seminars and webinars, staff mobility and PLAs on document fraud and digitalization, substantial difference, national legislation for the compliance with the LRC, digital transformation in recognition and automatic recognition were successfully held.
At the project’s final conference «“Recognition in the European Higher Education Area – outlining the way forward» , held in May 2021 and attended by a broad circle of experts and other stakeholders, besides final conclusions and sketching the further steps, the key project documents were presented as effective tools for the establishment and further development of fair, transparent and efficient recognition in the EHEA at national and institutional levels.
Practical guide for higher education institutions “Information provision on recognition of qualifications” provides recommendations, practical advice and self-assessment questions for the provision of relevant, accurate and targeted information on recognition issues.
The publication «Substantial differences: A glimpse of theory, practice and guidelines» aims to contribute to the discussion on the different typologies of substantial differences and to support HEIs in understanding whether a difference or a set of differences should be considered substantial.
Another significant outcome of the project is the leaflet for students «“Will my qualification be recognised? Golden rules on academic qualification recognition for students in the European Higher Education Area». The leaflet provides basic information about the LRC and students’ rights to fair and transparent assessment of their qualifications, alongside five key things to know when aiming to have a qualification recognised. The leaflet is also available in the form of a video.
To face Covid-19 pandemic the project has also produced the «Online meeting toolkit: How to create effective online events», based on the project coordinators’ experience of prompt shifting from physical events into online format