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- Published on Tuesday, 26 July 2016 11:20
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A person who has successfully completed a postgraduate education program obtains a relevant document, a template of which is approved by the head of the education institution or an authorized body in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, dated July 1 2014.
Partial qualifications can be obtained in the system of out-of-school education and adult education (including postgraduate education).
Postgraduate education is an important component of the adult education system, providing for the acquisition of new and improvement of previously acquired competencies on the basis of higher, vocational (vocational and technical) or professional pre-higher education and practical experience.
In the system of higher education, postgraduate education includes obtaining second (subsequent) higher education – obtaining Bachelor’s (Master’s) degree in another specialty on the basis of obtained higher education (at least at the Bachelor’s level) and practical experience.
Before 2014, retraining programs provided for obtaining a different specialty and profession based on the previously obtained educational and qualification level and practical experience. The duration of the retraining program was usually 2-2.5 academic years. Persons who completed the retraining programs and successfully passed the state final attestation received a higher education document of the state-approved template with a qualification in the relevant specialty.
With the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” in 2014, training under Specialist’s retraining programs and, accordingly, the issuance of Specialist’s Diplomas on Retraining are no longer carried out. Higher education under Specialist’s educational and qualification level (complete higher education), including retraining, is equated with higher education under Master’s degree.
Documents that confirm obtaining postgraduate education are:
Starting in 1993:
- certificate of advanced training;
- Specialist’s diploma (on retraining);
- Junior Specialist’s diploma (on retraining).
The documents were prepared and issued in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of the List and Templates of Documents on Education and Academic Titles in Ukraine” № 1058, dated December 17, 1993.
Starting in 1997:
- certificate of advanced training;
- Junior Specialist’s diploma (on retraining);
- Specialist’s diploma (on retraining).
Before 2016, templates of documents on postgraduate education were approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Documents on Education and Academic Titles” № 1260, dated November 12, 1997; they were documents of the state-approved template and were made by printing.
Since 2016, samples of documents on advanced training have been approved by the scientific council of the education institution.
There is an approximate list of information that should be contained in the documents on advanced training (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 34, dated January 19, 2016):
- The name of the document on postgraduate education (certificate, diploma, etc.);
- Student’s surname, name, patronymic;
- Full name of the postgraduate education institution (relevant structural subdivision of the higher education institution / scientific institution), indicating the form of ownership and subordination;
- Duration of studies at a postgraduate education institution (relevant structural subdivision of a higher education institution / scientific institution);
- Name of the program (course, special course, seminar, training) of advanced training;
- The list of learning outcomes under the program and the amount of study time in credits of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System;
- The topic of the final paper with a grade (if it is provided for in the curriculum);
- Series and registration number of the document on advanced training, which are independently determined by the postgraduate education institution (relevant structural subdivision of the higher education institution / scientific institution) in the form “CC XXXXXXXX/YYYYYY-ZZ”, where CC is the series of the document indicated in Cyrillic letters, XXXXXXXX is the identification code (Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine Code) of the legal entity, YYYYYY is the serial number of the document within this series, ZZ is the last two digits of the year of issue of the document;
- Position, sealed signature, surname and initials of the head or other authorized person of the postgraduate education institution (relevant structural subdivision of the higher education institution / scientific institution).
A document on advanced training is issued after successful completion of advanced training courses or other forms of training and confirms advanced training and updating of knowledge in a particular field.
Postgraduate education in the field of health care
Continuous professional development of persons who have a professional pre-higher or higher medical education and work in the health care sector is carried out in accordance with the procedure, under the conditions and within the terms determined by the legislation of Ukraine.
Regulations on internship programs, medical residencies, specialization and thematic improvement cycles, simulation or practical skills training, and professional medical internship programs outside the employee’s institution, as well as the list of internship, medical residency and specialization cycles specialties, are approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Internship programs are conducted at universities, academies, institutes and are a mandatory form of primary specialization for persons studying in medical and pharmaceutical specialties to obtain the qualification of Doctor-Specialist or Pharmacist-Specialist.
Medical residency is conducted at universities, academies, institutes and is a form of specialization of Doctors-Specialists in certain medical specialties exclusively at the relevant clinical departments to obtain the qualification of Doctor-Specialist in accordance with the list of medical specialties approved by the central executive body in the field of health care.
Before 2022, clinical residency in Ukraine was the highest form of advanced training for Doctors-Specialists in a particular specialty, the main task of which was to deepen professional knowledge, improve the level of skills and abilities of Doctor-Specialist in his or her medical specialty. The training was conducted in higher medical education institutions, postgraduate education institutions, and clinical scientific and research institutes and centers.
The procedure for issuing and templates of documents on postgraduate education in the field of health care in Ukraine are regulated by regulatory legal acts approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
The main educational documents issued upon completion of postgraduate education in the field of health care in Ukraine are:
1. Certificate of Doctor-Specialist;
2. Certificate of Awarded Qualification Category;
3. Certificate of Pharmacist-Specialist;
4. Certificate of Pharmacist;
5. Certificate of Clinical Residency;
6. Certificate to the Diploma of Advanced Training and Retraining of Junior Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers;
7. Certificate of Completion of Advanced Training in addition to the Diploma.
Certificate of Doctor-Specialist confirms the professional competence and qualification of a doctor in a particular medical field. This document is issued after successful completion of specialized postgraduate education and passing the relevant exams or attestation.
Certificate of Awarded (Advanced) Qualification Category is issued by authorized bodies or medical institutions to confirm the advanced training and professional growth of a health care professional. This certificate indicates that the health care professional has successfully passed the attestation procedure and upgraded the category in his/her medical specialty.
Certificate of Pharmacist-Specialist confirms the professional qualification and competence of a pharmacist in a specific area of pharmacy. This document is issued after successful completion of specialized postgraduate education and passing the relevant exams or attestation.
Certificate of Pharmacist confirms the right of a pharmacist to engage in pharmaceutical activities. This document is issued by the authorized bodies or pharmaceutical institutions of the country and contains information about the pharmacist’s identity, his/her qualification, specialization, rights and obligations in the field of pharmacy.
Certificate of Clinical Residency is issued to graduates of medical universities or colleges who have successfully completed a clinical residency program. This document confirms the completion of a specialized postgraduate educational program aimed at improving the skills of health care professionals in a particular field of medicine.
Certificate to the Diploma of Advanced Training and Retraining of Junior Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers confirms the successful completion of training and the acquisition of new knowledge and skills in the field of medicine or pharmacy. This document is issued after successful completion of specialized courses, seminars or trainings aimed at improving the skills of junior medical and pharmaceutical workers.
Certificate of Completion of Advanced Training in addition to the Diploma confirms the successful completion of training or courses aimed at improving professional skills in a particular field. This document is issued upon successful completion of training, passing the relevant exams or completion of practical tasks provided for in the advanced training program.
Junior Specialist’s/Specialist’s Diploma on Retraining
Certificate of Advanced Training
Document on Postgraduate Education (Medical Specialties)
Updated: November 2024
This information has been produced with the financial support of the Council of Europe. The views expressed by the author can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe.