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Results of the Second UaReNet Conference of credential evaluators
- Details
- Category: News
- Published on Monday, 22 April 2024 11:33
- Written by Макаревич Евгения
- Hits: 594

On April 18, 2024, with the support of MES of Ukraine and funding of the Council of Europe the Second Conference of the Ukrainian Network for the Recognition of Foreign Qualifications UaReNet (Ukrainian Recognition Network) took place.
Ukrainian Network for the Recognition of Foreign Qualifications UaReNet was created on February 18, 2020, on the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and ENIC Ukraine that has united the credential evaluators from more than 80 higher education institutions of Ukraine. Today the UaReNet network includes 110 higher education institutions!
The Second UaReNet Conference of Credential Evaluators was dedicated to sharing best practices of educational qualifications recognition, review of monitoring methods and results of the HEIs decisions as competent authorities on recognition, discussion of automatic recognition and substantial difference concepts, conceptions of "access" and "admission" to the higher education programs.
The Conference took place in a mixed format. The participants of the event could join the Conference both in offline (the hotel "Ukraine", Kyiv) and in online formats (Zoom platform). 50 representatives from 32 HEIs of Ukraine were present in the conference hall of the hotel "Ukraine"; more than 100 credential evaluators from 66 HEIs of Ukraine joined the work of the Conference in online format.
Director of ENIC Ukraine Viktoriya Sergiyenko opened the Conference. Mrs. Sergiyenko remarked:
"The number of the education institutions that carry out the recognition procedure individually is gradually increasing. In 2019, from the total number of the recognition cases 10% of the certificates were registered by the education institutions, and in 2023, our education institutions carried out the recognition procedure individually in 50% of the total number of cases."
Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Mykhailo Vynnytskyi greeted the participants of the Conference. Mr. Vynnytskyi remarked the incredible role of education for the society, importance of its credibility; concentrated on the necessity of fair foreign qualifications recognition development.
"Implementation of innovations to the recognition process, the role of technologies enhances the procedure efficiency, improves the transparency of recognition and students feedback action. I myself remember the way I went through the recognition procedure of my education obtained abroad. In the beginning of the 2000s, this procedure intimidated; today it’s simple, fast and easy. Thank all of you therefor", the Deputy Minister emphasized in his speech.
The foreign partners of ENIC Ukraine – the Head of the Education Department of the Council of Europe Villano Qiriazi and the President of the ENIC Bureau at the ENIC-NARIC Networks Chiara Finocchietti welcomed the Conference participants in online format.
The Head of the Education Department of the Council of Europe Villano Qiriazi expressed support words to the Ukrainian people and noted his sincere admiration for the dedication of educators who work in the challenging conditions for ensuring of educational students’ needs, keep on implicating innovative technologies and demonstrate great devotion to their work. Mr. Qiriazi remarked that he is proud of support of the Council of Europe to the Ukrainian project UaReNet Network that provided comprehensive support to both the Ukrainian and foreign credential evaluators.
The President of the ENIC Bureau at the ENIC-NARIC Networks Chiara Finocchietti expressed gratitude to ENIC Ukraine and emphasized importance of the UaReNet project for the international ENIC-NARIC Network.
"I want to conclude that UaReNet is a sample of a community of individuals, of education institutions working for quality recognition", – noticed Mrs. Finocchietti.
Honorary guests of the Conference from the MES of Ukraine, namely, the Director General of International Cooperation Directorate Albina Tsiatkovska and the State Expert of the Directorate of Vocational Pre-Higher, Higher Education Vitaliy Nosok, addressed their speeches to the Conference participants. Head of the PR and International Cooperation Department of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance Maksym Folomieiev, Deputy Head of the State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine Oleksandr Yakymenko and Director of the Ukrainian State Centre for International Education Olena Shapovalova adressed with speeches to the event participants.
Deputy Head of ENIC Ukraine Nataliia Naumenko briefed the attendants on the elaborated by the specialists of ENIC Ukraine methods of the HEIs decisions on the recognition of foreign educational qualifications monitoring. The declared by Nataliia Naumenko rating "Top-10 HEIs, the best in the educational qualifications recognition" that characterizes the quality of HEIs activity in the recognition area aroused brisk interest among the credential evaluators. The top 10 rating by the 2023 results included:
- PHEE "University of Emerging Technologies";
- PHEI "Kharkiv International Medical University";
- "KROK" University;
- Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design;
- West Ukrainian National University;
- University of Kharkiv;
- PJSC HEI "Interregional Academy of Personnel Management";
- Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding;
- Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport;
- PHEE "European University".
The experienced credential evaluator of ENIC Ukraine Yuliia Havrylenko continued the practical part of the event. Mrs. Havrylenko briefed the attendants with the analytical report on the HEIs work results as the competent authorities on recognition and analyzed the top of the most frequent recognition mistakes.
Representatives of HEIs of Ukraine Tetiana Yankova (West Ukrainian National University), Svitlana Bebko (Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design) and Oleksii Khumarov (Odesа Polytechnic National University) shared their experience in foreign educational qualifications recognition within the framework of the Conference.
At the end of the event the participants took part in the workshops and had the opportunity to discuss the topics of automatic recognition and substantial difference concepts, conceptions of "access" and "admission" to the higher education programs.
- Monitoring methodology of the recognition decisions issued by the Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions. Rating: "TOP-10 Higher Education Institutions in recognition", Nataliia Naumenko
- Analytical report on the work results of the HEIs as competent recognition authorities, Yuliia Havrylenko

This information has been produced with the financial assistance of the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe.