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Accredited and non-accredited educational programs

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", higher education institutions have the right to offer applicants accredited and non-accredited educational programs since September 2014. After successful completion of accredited educational program the graduate is issued a document of state sample format.

After successful completion of non-accredited educational program the graduate is issued their own sample document (approved by the Academic Council of the university).


A list of accredited and non-accredited educational programs, on which the admission to each university is fulfilled, to be specified in the Rules of admission to higher education in this institution. The educational programs accreditation is certified by accreditation certificates of relevant specialties and fields of study.

Forms and rules of making higher education documents of state-standard format is approved by the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 31, 2015 № 193 "On Higher Education (academic degrees) of national standard format" and the order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 12.05.2015 № 525 "On approval of forms of documents on higher education (scientific degree)of state standard and amendments thereto, transcript of records sample".

The list of information was approved by these regulations that should be indicated in the diplomas of higher education and their supplements, university produces forms of documents of their own. Therefore, the appearance (design, placement of information, typography, paper settings, etc.) of state diploma of one university will differ from diploma of another university.

Implementation of academic and professional rights of a holder, who receives the document on higher education of non-state-standard sample at the end of training on non-accredited specialty and attestation, is defined by institution of higher education, which is provided the training on the next level of higher education, or by the employer.

Documents on higher education of state-standard sample

Ukrainian higher education system provides these types of higher education documents and scientific degree

Junior bachelor diploma

Bachelor diploma

Master diploma

PhD Diploma

Doctor of Sciences diploma

It is established the specific information list, which is mandatory in the preparation of documents on higher education of state standard format. Its content is the following:

  • The name of document on higher education;
  • Surname, name and patronymic of the graduate;
  • The name of higher educational institution that issued certain document, or in the case of education in a separate structural unit of the institution - the unit’s name;
  • The graduation year;
  • Graduate’s qualification, consisting of information about the newly assigned higher education degree, specialty and specialization, and in some cases - a professional qualification;
  • Series and diploma registration number assigned to the document after the registration in the Unified State Electronic Database on education, as well as its date of issuance;
  • The position of the head or authorized person who signed the document, his/her name and initials, signature, and seal, signature of scrapie;
  • The image of small State Coat of Arms of Ukraine and the inscription "УКРАЇНА" and "UKRAINE";
  • Information about the document on education legalization or affixing of apostille stamp on it (if necessary).

Double diplomas

In the case of higher education at the same time on two specialties or specializations, the educational institution has the right to issue double diplomas, a model of which is approved by a university.

Joint degrees

In the case of students in higher education agreed between higher education institutions, including foreign, educational programs of higher education institutions have the right to issue a joint diploma, a model of which is defined by a common decision of the academic councils of higher education institutions.

How to distinguish a state sample diploma from non-state sample diploma

The state symbols usage on the documents of not state-standard format of higher education

is forbidden!


The Diploma Supplement of European sample

Since 2014/2015 academic year, an integral part of higher education diplomas, namely: bachelor, specialist, master and PhD, is a supplement to the diploma of the European sample. In Ukraine, this form of Diploma Supplement began to was launched experimentally since 2010, and the Diploma Supplement of the European sample was issued in parallel with the Diploma supplement of Ukrainian state standard format.

It contains information about obtaining a graduate education, including a list of all passed disciplines of learning outcomes in the form of assessments and the number of ECTS credits, as well as information on national higher education system of Ukraine.

The Diploma Supplement of Junior Bachelor is made differently; however, it also contains the information about the results of training, the list of passed subjects, obtained grades and the amount of ECTS credits.

The information contained in diplomas and their supplements of the European standard format (except junior bachelor diploma with its supplement), served in two languages - Ukrainian and English, but on all the documents there is a note: «У разі наявності в дипломі будь-яких невідповідностей, превалюючим є текст українською мовою /In case of being in the diploma of any divergences, text prevails by Ukrainian».

Diplomas of scientific degrees

In PhD and Doctor of Science Diplomas the following information is contained:

  • The name of document on higher education;
  • Series and the registration number of the diploma;
  • The effective date of the specialized scientific council decision on scientific degree award;
  • Surname, name and patronymic of the competitor's scientific degree;
  • The higher educational or scientific institution’s name, in which the protection of scientific achievements occurred Qualification (academic degree, knowledge of industry and/or specialty);
  • Position name, signature, certified by the seal, as well as the name and initials of the head or authorized person of a higher education or research institution, who signed the document.

Documents on the academic degree award issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.


A person who has successfully passed the postgraduate education program, receives the corresponding document, a model of which, according to the current Law on Higher Education from 01.07.2014, is approved by the head of the institution or the competent authority.

It is set an indicative list of information to be contained in the documents on professional development therein:

  • The name of document on postgraduate education;
  • Surname, name and patronymic of the student;
  • Full name of the institution of postgraduate education or appropriate structural unit of a higher education institution / research institution;
  • Terms of study in the institution of postgraduate education or structural unit of a higher education institution / research institution;
  • The name of the program (courses, special courses, seminars, and training);
  • The list of program learning outcomes and scope of the curriculum in ECTS credits;
  • The name of the theme of final work with the assessment, if this type of work is provided in the curriculum;
  • Series and registration number of the document of professional development, which independently are determined by the institution of postgraduate education;
  • Name of Position, signature, certified by the seal, as well as the name and initials of the head / authorized person of the institution.

Documents about the awarding of academic degrees are issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Also the form of the diploma supplement to the Doctor of Philosophy of the European sample is approved.


Nowadays, documents on general secondary education are issued by educational institutions that have a license to conduct educational activities at the relevant level of complete general secondary education.

Graduates of educational institutions are issued with the relevant document on education:

  • Certificate on Obtaining Primary Education (introduced in October 2018);
  • Certificate on Obtaining Basic Secondary Education;
  • Certificate on Obtaining Complete General Secondary Education (until 2019 - Certificate on Complete General Secondary Education).

Certificates on primary, basic secondary and complete general secondary education are produced with the assignment of a proper registration number in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education.

Starting in 2019, documents on obtaining secondary education may not be certified by the seal of the educational institution that issued them.

Document on primary education

Documents of Basic Secondary Education

Documents of Completed Secondary Education


This information has been produced with the financial assistance of the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe.