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According to the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» from 01.07.2014 № 1556-VII

Higher education levels Higher education degrees (document on higher education /scientific degree) Entry qualification Standard study period (years) and load (ECTS credits1) Academic rights National qualification framework2 EHEA cycles3
Initial level (short cycle) Junior Bachelor (Junior Bachelor's diploma) Certificate (Atestat) of Complete General Secondary Education 120 credits (with the option to transfer some credits from previous studies) Access to Bachelor’s degree 5 level Short cycle of І cycle
Professional Junior Bachelor, Junior Specialist
The first (Bachelor) level Bachelor (Bachelor's diploma) Certificate (Atestat) of Complete General Secondary Education 180-240 credits (with the option to transfer some credits from previous studies) Access to Master's degree 6 level І cycle
Junior Bachelor, Professional Junior Bachelor, Junior Specialist
The second (Master) level Master (Master's diploma) Bachelor's Diploma Educational-professional program – 90-120 credits Access to Doctor of Philosophy/Doctor of Art 7 level ІІ cycle
Educational-scientific program – 120 credits (research / scientific component – not less than 30%)
Master of Medical, Pharmaceutical or Veterinary field (Master's diploma) Certificate (Atestat) of Complete General Secondary Education 300-360 credits (with the option to transfer some credits from previous studies) І-ІІ cycle
Junior Bachelor, Professional Junior Bachelor, Junior Specialist
The third (educational and research/educational and creative) level Doctor of Philosophy (Doctor of Philosophy diploma) Master’s degree Preparation in aspirantura (adjuncture) is 4 years, educational component is 30-60 credits Access to Doctor of Science 8 level ІІІ cycle
Doctor of Art (Doctor of Art diploma) Preparation in creative aspirantura is 3 years, educational component is 30-60 credits

1 – ECTS – European Credit Transfer System. 1 credit ECTS = 30 academic hours. Full-time load of one year of studies equals approximately to 60 credits ECTS.

2National qualification framework

3 – EHEA – European Higher Education Area.


The last cohort of students was admitted to:

  • Specialist’s programs in 2016
  • Junior Specialist’s programs in 2019
  • Candidate of Science’s programs till September, 2016. The Candidate of Science’s diploma was issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine up to 2021. This period may be extended in cases of academic or social leave, military service, or long-term illness.

After 30.03.2021 Doctor of Science’s degree was excluded from higher education regulations. These programs and awarding of the Doctor of Science’s degree has been since regulated by the Law on Scientific and Scientific-technical Activities.

Transitional period

Correlation between the degrees in new and old structures

(according to the Law of Ukraine On Higher Education from 01.07.2014)

Junior SpecialistJunior Bachelor
Candidate of SciencePhD

Updated: November 2023

This information has been produced with the financial assistance of the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe.