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Monitoring of HEIs’ Decisions
- Деталі
- Категорія: Без категории
- Опубліковано: Вівторок, 07 травня 2024, 13:26
- Автор: Макаревич Евгения
- Перегляди: 6938
Monitoring of the decisions of the Higher Education Institutions of recognition of foreign educational documents was implemented almost simultaneously with the empowerment the higher education institutions to carry out the recognition procedure. Thus, in 2015, the Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 504 dated May 05, 2015 approved the Recognition Procedures of foreign educational documents, which determined the higher education institutions as the competent recognition authorities, the common principles and rules for the procedure, implemented a unified registration system for recognition decisions for all competent authorities and stipulated the monitoring of the HEIs’ decisions.
Monitoring of HEIs’ recognition decisions is carried out by the competent structural division of the MES with the involvement of the National Information Centre of Academic Mobility ENIC Ukraine. During monitoring ENIC Ukraine may check the information provided by the higher education institution for the registration of the Certificate in the unified database. If necessary, additional requests can be sent to official institutions of Ukraine and other countries.
If, as a result of monitoring, non-compliance of the decision made by the higher education institution with the requirements of the Recognition Procedures is revealed, the specialists of ENIC Ukraine shall inform the HEI Commission about such non-compliance. In this case, the recognition decision may be revised by the HEI Commission. And in the case of the impossibility of correcting errors during the adoption of such a decision, it must be canceled by the HEI Commission, and from 2022, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine can also cancel such a decision. In this case, the document on the results of the recognition procedure becomes invalid and is annulled.
Monitoring of the HEIs’ recognition decisions is carried out by specialists of ENIC Ukraine constantly. The information is analyzed at the time of receipt of the HEI’s application for Recognition Certificate registration.
Methodology for monitoring of higher education institutions decisions of foreign educational documents recognition was developed by the ENIC Ukraine, and the TOP 10 of HEIs, the best in foreign educational qualifications recognition based on the results of monitoring in 2023, were presented in 2024. It became possible thanks to the financing by the Council of Europe of the UaReConnect, which is held by the Centre during 2024.
The methodology is the first attempt to formalize the rules and criteria by which monitoring is carried out, for a common understanding of the process by all stakeholders. The methodology is based on objective statistical data in the database of recognition decisions. It has several caveats and does not yet take into account a number of factors, for example, the number of iterations for finalizing applications, the complexity and uniformity or variety of applications of the HEI, and some others. Therefore, in the future, the Methodology will be improved to increase the factors it covers and increase sensitivity to significant parameters. We invite all stakeholders to familiarize themselves with the methodology and formulate their proposals for it.
This information has been produced with the financial assistance of the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe.