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Higher and professional pre-higher education
- Деталі
- Категорія: Без категории
- Опубліковано: П'ятниця, 01 листопада 2024, 10:58
- Автор: Макаревич Евгения
- Перегляди: 4359
Transfer of students from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and obtaining educational documents of the state-approved template in 2014
Students of higher education institutions located in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine who wished to continue their studies in the Ukrainian education system and obtain documents on higher education of the state-approved template had the right to transfer (regardless of the year of study) to any higher education institution located in other regions of Ukraine. The transfer of students, regardless of the year of study, educational and qualification level and mode of study, was carried out by the head of the higher education institution to which the student was transferred. Read more>>
Graduates of higher education institutions who in 2014 fulfilled the requirements of the curriculum, passed state attestation at an education institution in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and refused to receive documents on higher education of a template not provided for by the legislation of Ukraine, had the right to obtain a diploma and supplement to it of the state-approved template at an education institution located in other regions of Ukraine by applying to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with a copy of their identity document, student records book or transcript of records.
Graduates of higher education institutions who received the so-called documents on higher education in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine in 2014 but wanted to obtain a diploma on higher education and supplement to it of the state-approved template may apply to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with a corresponding application; the application must be accompanied by a copy of the identity document and copies of the so-called documents on higher education obtained in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. The Ministry designates a higher education institution on the territory controlled by Ukraine that will ensure the preparation and issuance of documents on higher education of the state-approved template. Information about the graduate (course, year of study, field of study, specialty) can be verified in the Unified State Database on Education. Read more>>
Continuation of education at Ukrainian education institutions. Attestation mechanism for the recognition of qualifications obtained in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine after 2014
Students who started their studies before 2014 at higher education institutions in the currently occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions can continue their studies at any higher education institution located in other regions of Ukraine. Enrollment of students with the preservation of the specialty and specialization is carried out by resuming studies at the education institution.
Resuming is possible only for the year of study, which is recorded in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education. The education institution may organize an additional session to eliminate academic debt and transfer the student to the next year of study. Resuming is possible for studies under the state order, subject to availability of vacant places. Read more>>
Students who studied after February 20, 2014 in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, including the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, may be attested at Ukrainian higher education institutions to recognize their qualifications, learning outcomes and periods of study. The attestation mechanism is determined by the Procedure.
Procedure education declaration is the basis for the attestation of a person. To conduct the attestation, the higher education institution forms a commission for the attestation of a person. Based on the results of the attestation, the commission makes a decision:
- on the recognition of learning outcomes and periods of study in the higher education system with the possibility of continuing education from a certain year of study (semester) under the relevant educational program at a higher education institution;
- or on the awarding of a higher education degree, the assignment of a relevant qualification and the issuance of a document on higher education of the approved template.
The attestation procedure applies to persons from the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.
Recognition of learning outcomes obtained in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine regardless of the date of commencement of studies
In April 2022, the general wording of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine was defined at the legislative level. The territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, certain territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions and other territories recognized as temporarily occupied under martial law since 2022 are defined as the territory of Ukraine temporarily occupied by the russian federation.
In November 2023, the Law "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on the Recognition of Learning Outcomes of Persons Residing in the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine" was adopted, which allows persons to undergo the procedure for recognizing learning outcomes obtained in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, regardless of the date of commencement of education.
Recognition of learning outcomes at the levels of professional pre-higher and higher education is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. It is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the learning outcomes indicated by the person in the education declaration. Such results are recognized by authorized institutions, the list of which is established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
One can undergo the procedure for recognizing learning outcomes at a certain level (degree) of education only under one educational program. Learning outcomes at the higher education level can be recognized in the amount of no more than 75% of the total volume of the educational program.
The following learning outcomes cannot be recognized:
- in the specialties from the list approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
- at the second (Master’s) (except for Master’s educational training programs in medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary specialties) and the third (educational and scientific/educational and creative) levels of higher education.
Based on the results of the procedure for recognizing learning outcomes at the level of professional pre-higher and higher education, the following decision may be made:
- providing recommendations for admission to studies, including those with a shorter period of study, under an individual educational program that includes studying the Ukrainian Language, the History of Ukraine, and completing a special course on the consequences of russian aggression and countering russian propaganda;
- providing recommendations for undergoing qualification attestation or awarding a degree of professional pre-higher education, as well as relevant professional qualification.
Created: November 2024.
This information has been produced with the financial support of the Council of Europe. The views expressed by the author can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe.