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- Категорія: Без категории
- Опубліковано: Середа, 10 січня 2024, 18:08
- Автор: Макаревич Евгения
- Перегляди: 13368
Post-diploma education is a component of the education system of Ukraine, in particular adult education.
Post-diploma education is a specialized advanced professional training aiming at expanding professional abilities and skills or obtaining another profession or specialty based on previously acquired education and practical experience.
Post-diploma education includes obtaining a second higher education, which means obtaining a bachelor's (master's) degree in another specialty based on the previously obtained higher education (at least bachelor's degree) and practical experience.
Post-diploma education included:
- Specialization – profile specialized training aimed at obtaining skills to perform specific tasks and duties in a certain profession.
- Retraining – adult education aimed at professional training to master another (other) profession(s).
- Advancing a qualification/professional development – acquisition of new and/or improvement of previously acquired competences in a certain profession or field.
- Internship – acquisition of practical experience in performing tasks and duties in a certain profession or field.
Post-diploma education in the healthcare field includes:
- Internship, offered by universities, academies, institutes, scientific institutions, health care institutions, authorized to offer such programs by the central executive authority in the healthcare field, and is a mandatory form of primary specialization in medical and pharmacy specialties for obtaining qualifications of a specialist doctor or pharmacist.
- Medical residency, carried out in universities, academies, institutes, scientific institutions, healthcare institutions, authorized to offer medical residency by the central executive authority in the healthcare field, and is a form of specialization of doctors-specialists in certain medical specialties for obtaining the qualification of a specialist doctor according to the list of medical specialties approved by the central executive body in the healthcare field.
Post-diploma education is provided by institutions of postgraduate education or relevant structural divisions of higher education institutions or scientific institutions. Upon successful completion of post-diploma education, applicants receive a qualification document.
Historical profile
Post-diploma education up to 2014
This information has been produced with the financial assistance of the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe.