
National Information Centre
of Academic Mobility

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Seminar on recognition of foreign educational qualifications for recognisers of higher education institutions


Recognisers of the ENIC Ukraine Centre continue their studies


Webinar for specialists of departments and divisions of education and science on the recalculation of grades from foreign evaluation systems


The results of webinar on the recalculation of grades from foreign evaluation systems


Summary of the work of online seminar for the admission board’s members and recognizers-beginners of the HEIs


More Articles...

  1. Seminar on recognition of foreign educational qualifications for the admission board’s members and recognizers-beginners
  2. Training for recognizers of the ENIC Ukraine Center
  3. Digest of ENIC Ukraine, March 2023
  4. Seminar for recognition of foreign educational qualifications
  5. ENIC Ukraine’s Seminar for HEIs of Ukraine in recognition of foreign educational qualifications in Ukraine
  6. Results of the 9th session of the Committee of the Lisbon Recognition Convention
  7. Ukraine withdrew from the Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Education
  8. National Qualifications Framework certified according to the criteria of the EHEA Qualifications Framework
  9. Our office resumes its functioning
  10. Life and work of Ukrainians abroad - Estonia`s initiatives
  11. Compliance of the National Qualifications Framework of Ukraine with the Сriteria and Procedures of the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area
  12. Red level of epidemic danger! How to submit documents?
  13. Ukraine and Hungary – reaching consensus
  14. Reaching the Automatic Recognition of EHEA Qualifications
  15. Academic Integrity under COVID-19: the Council of Europe calls HEIs for best practices
  16. Headway towards LRC-compliant recognition: TPG-LRC project outcomes
  17. Broadcasting ENIC Ukraine online seminars for HEIs of Ukraine: data on certificates of recognition of foreign educational documents in USEDE and the new templates of educational documents
  18. Congratulations on the occasion of the 15-th anniversary of the World Vyshyvanka Day
  19. New Policy for Recognition of Foreign Medical and Dental Colleges announced by Pakistan Medical Council
  20. The first online seminar of the ENIC Ukraine training cycle for HEIs of Ukraine in 2021 held