
National Information Centre
of Academic Mobility

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Red level of epidemic danger! How to submit documents?


Reaching the Automatic Recognition of EHEA Qualifications


Ukraine and Hungary – reaching consensus


Academic Integrity under COVID-19: the Council of Europe calls HEIs for best practices


More Articles...

  1. Headway towards LRC-compliant recognition: TPG-LRC project outcomes
  2. Broadcasting ENIC Ukraine online seminars for HEIs of Ukraine: data on certificates of recognition of foreign educational documents in USEDE and the new templates of educational documents
  3. Congratulations on the occasion of the 15-th anniversary of the World Vyshyvanka Day
  4. New Policy for Recognition of Foreign Medical and Dental Colleges announced by Pakistan Medical Council
  5. The first online seminar of the ENIC Ukraine training cycle for HEIs of Ukraine in 2021 held
  6. Online seminar for HEIs with foreign experts in the sphere of recognition: let’s talk about credential evaluation criteria and substantial difference
  7. 2020-2021 admission requirements for the entrants from the Republic of Ghana to higher education institutions
  8. ENIC Ukraine for HEIs: a series of online learning activities on foreign qualifications’ recognition getting under way on September 24, 2020 for UaReNet members
  9. Centralized submission of documents by representatives of the Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the quarantine period and after its completion
  10. Ukraine Complies: according to the outcomes of the international meeting of foreign education qualifications recognition experts meeting in Kyiv
  11. The International Meeting Of Foreign Education Qualifications Experts
  12. UaReNet: inviting Ukrainian HEIs to join the Ukrainian Recognition Network
  13. ENIC UKRAINE Digest Online
  14. Do we comply? ENIC Ukraine takes part in the first PLA of the I-Comply project
  15. The Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education to be adopted by the UNESCO 40th General Conference Session
  16. Do I-Comply? Inviting HEIs to discuss the compliance of the foreign qualifications recognition in Ukraine with LRC
  17. Higher Education Admission Requirements for the Students from the Arab Republic of Egypt for the Academic Year 2018-2019
  18. New Regulations Concerning Access of Indian Students to Higher Medical Education For the Academic Year 2018-2019
  19. Access to Higher Education for Lebanese Students
  20. Visit of Danish delegation to the National Information Centre ENIC Ukraine