Путь на сайте
- Деталі
- Категорія: Без категории
- Опубліковано: Неділя, 01 грудня 2024, 10:31
- Автор: Макаревич Евгения
- Перегляди: 71
Декларація енергетичної політики ДП “Інформаційно-іміджевий центр” на 2025-2027 роки
Training for ENIC Ukraine credential evaluators, November 8 / 15, 2024
- Деталі
- Категорія: Без категории
- Опубліковано: П'ятниця, 15 листопада 2024, 18:12
- Автор: Макаревич Евгения
- Перегляди: 3053
Детальніше: Training for ENIC Ukraine credential evaluators, November 8 / 15, 2024
- Деталі
- Категорія: Без категории
- Опубліковано: П'ятниця, 01 листопада 2024, 18:00
- Автор: Макаревич Евгения
- Перегляди: 1336
Verification of Ukrainian documents issued before the occupation
Holders of educational documents issued in the territories of Ukraine that are currently temporarily occupied by the russian federation often face difficulties in verifying such documents, in particular, confirming the fact of issuance and the validity of the information contained in the document.
Due to the occupation, some education institutions moved to the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government and continue their educational activities. Difficulties with verification of an educational document do not arise if the education institution has managed to move archival materials to the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government or if information on the issuance of an educational document is contained in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education.
However, the archival materials of many education institutions are partially or completely left in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, and data on educational documents are not always available in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education. In such a case, the holder of an educational document who has difficulties with the verification of an educational document may check whether his/her document has been verified by an apostille stamp (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine) or by consular legalization (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine), as well as obtain a duplicate of the educational document.
Apostille or consular legalization
In accordance with international law, the procedures of affixing an apostille stamp (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine) and consular legalization (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine) confirm the seal of the education institution affixed to the document on education, as well as the signature of the person who signed it. The procedures provide for the establishment of the fact of issuance and validity of the educational document, as well as its compliance with Ukrainian legislation in force as of the date of issuance of this educational document.
How to check the fact of affixing an apostille stamp on an educational document
- For documents issued after January 18, 2013, the apostille stamp can be checked in the electronic journal of apostille stamps of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The journal is available on the ENIC Ukraine website (section Check of Apostille Stamps of the Ministry of Education and Science).
- For documents issued before January 18, 2013, the apostille stamp can be checked by sending a request to ENIC Ukraine at centre@enic.in.ua.
(!) High-quality copies of educational documents and an apostille stamp to be verified must be attached to the request.
How to check the fact of consular legalization of an educational document
- Contact the Consular Legalization Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
- Order a statement "On Confirmation of the Fact of Study and Rights" from ENIC Ukraine.
(!) The statement is issued by ENIC Ukraine in respect of educational documents that comply with the state-approved template after receiving confirmation of the consular legalization stamp affixed to the educational document from the Consular Legalization Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
A duplicate of a higher education document issued in the territories of Ukraine that are currently temporarily occupied
In case of relocation of an education institution to the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government, a duplicate of the document on higher education is issued by the education institution that issued the original document. A duplicate is issued upon a written application of the document holder submitted in person or through an authorized representative to a higher education institution.
In case of termination of an education institution as a result of reorganization (merger, accession, division, transformation), the application shall be submitted to the legal successor of the education institution that has ceased its activities.
In the absence of a legal successor, as well as if the education institution does not conduct educational activities (for example, if the education institution has not been moved from the uncontrolled territory or if the license to conduct educational activities has been revoked), the application is submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, which determines the institution that will issue a duplicate of the document.
If the data on the document on higher education is contained in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education, the information in the duplicate is reproduced based on this data. Data on documents issued by education institutions starting in 2000 (some documents starting in 1996) are contained in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education, except in cases specified by law.
If information about a document on higher education is not available in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education and the archives of an education institution are not accessible, the holder may apply to the court to establish the legal fact of obtaining the relevant degree or level of higher education. The court decision is attached to the application. Read more>>
A duplicate of a document on general secondary education issued in the territories of Ukraine that are currently temporarily occupied
Duplicates of documents on general secondary education of the state-approved template are made in case of loss, non-receipt of the document by the graduate at the place of study, as well as in case of damage that has led to a violation of the integrity or destruction of all or most of the details, the absence of which makes it impossible to establish the identity of the graduate.
A duplicate and a supplement to it are issued upon a written application of the graduate or his/her legal representative, which is personally submitted to any general education institution of the corresponding degree at the place of residence or stay of the holder or his/her legal representative. Read more>>
(!) A duplicate is a second copy of a document that has the same legal force as the original. After a duplicate is issued, the original document loses its legal force.
Statement prepared by ENIC Ukraine
At ENIC Ukraine, you can apply for a statement “On the Impossibility of Confirming Educational Documents”. After analyzing the educational documents, the statement may contain information that the documents meet all the requirements of the standards and instructions for the drawing up of such documents that were in force in Ukraine on the day of their issue. Read more>>
Created: November 2024
This information has been produced with the financial support of the Council of Europe. The views expressed by the author can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe.
Документи про професійну (професійно-технічну) освіту
- Деталі
- Категорія: Без категории
- Опубліковано: Субота, 02 листопада 2024, 13:53
- Автор: Макаревич Евгения
- Перегляди: 460
Особі, яка опанувала курс професійного (професійно-технічного) навчання і успішно пройшла кваліфікаційну атестацію, видається свідоцтво про присвоєння або підвищення робітничої кваліфікації.
Випускнику закладу професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти, якому присвоєно освітньо-кваліфікаційний рівень "кваліфікований робітник", видається диплом.
Випускнику вищого професійного училища та центру професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти, якому присвоєно кваліфікацію "молодший спеціаліст", видається диплом.
Cвідоцтво про присвоєння (підвищення) робітничої кваліфікації та додаток
Диплом кваліфікованого робітника та додаток
Диплом молодшого спеціаліста та додаток
Документи для роботи на морському (річковому) транспорті
Оновлено: листопад 2024 р.
Цю інформацію було створено за фінансової підтримки Ради Європи. Точка зору, висловлена автором, ні в якому разі не може вважатися офіційною думкою Ради Європи.
Qualifications from the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine
- Деталі
- Категорія: Без категории
- Опубліковано: П'ятниця, 01 листопада 2024, 17:52
- Автор: Макаревич Евгения
- Перегляди: 1330
The right of residents from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to education
Since 2014, as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation, part of the territory of Ukraine has been occupied: the land territories of Ukraine – the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, including Donetsk and Luhansk. Since 2022, the number of temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine has increased due to the full-scale military invasion of Ukraine by the russian federation.
Education in time of war is an important topic that requires cooperation between state authorities, public organizations, and the international community to ensure protection and educational opportunities for citizens.
The right to education is guaranteed by international law and the Constitution of Ukraine (Article 53). The state ensures equal conditions for access to education for all citizens, and no one may be restricted in their right to receive it.
Nowadays, there are thousands of students in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine whose rights to education are grossly violated by the occupation authorities. National and international efforts to ensure the independence and objectivity of education in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine are essential to ensure future peace and stability in the region.
Recognition of learning outcomes from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine
The so-called educational documents issued by the occupation authorities are not recognized by Ukraine and cannot serve as a basis for further education and employment. Students who have received such “educational documents” cannot continue their studies or be employed on the territory controlled by Ukraine.
Ukrainian legislation stipulates that persons who have received education in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine have the right to recognize the results of their studies (learning outcomes) in the territory controlled by the government of Ukraine – they can confirm the knowledge they have acquired, not the “educational documents” issued by the occupation authorities.
Learning outcomes are the knowledge, skills, abilities, ways of thinking, opinions, values, and other personal qualities acquired in the process of education, training, and development that can be identified, planned, evaluated, and measured and that a person is able to demonstrate after completing an educational program or studying certain educational components (Law of Ukraine "On Education").
Higher and professional pre-higher education
"Documents on education" that are NOT recognized
Created: November 2024
This information has been produced with the financial support of the Council of Europe. The views expressed by the author can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe.