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- Category: Без категории
- Published on Tuesday, 28 December 2021 13:37
- Written by Макаревич Евгения
- Hits: 2113
Laws on education
- Law of Ukraine On Education (2017)
- Law of Ukraine On Higher Education (2014)
- Law of Ukraine On Professional Pre-higher Education (2019)
- Law of Ukraine On Complete General Secondary Education (2020)
- Law of Ukraine On Technical and Vocational Education (1998)
- Law of Ukraine On Preschool Education (2001)
- Law of Ukraine On Out-of-school Education (2000)
- Law of Ukraine On Scientific and Scientific-technical Activity (2016)
Licensing of educational activity
- Law of Ukraine On Licensing of Certain Types of Economic Activity (2015)
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 29.08.2003 №1380 On Licensing of Educational Services
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 30.12.2015 №1187 On Approval of the Licensing Conditions of the Implementation of the Educational Activity
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 12.02.1996 №200 On Licensing, Attestation and Accreditation of the Educational Institutions (only the part on attestation of vocational and technical educational institutions is valid)
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 09.08.2001 №978 On Approval of the Resolution on Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions and Specialties in the Higher Education Institutions and Higher Professional Colleges
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 11.07.2019 №977 On Approval of the Resolution on Accreditation of Educational Programs in Higher Education
National Qualifications Framework
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 23.11.2011 №1341 On Approval of the National Qualifications Framework
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 25.06.2020 №519 On Amendments to the Annex to Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 23.11.2011 № 1341
Degree education
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 01.01.1998 №65 On Approval of the Resolution on Educational and Qualification Levels (Degrees in Education)
- Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 24.02.2000 №35 On Approval of the Resolution on the Special Considerations of the Medical Degree Education
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 03.06.1999 №956 On Approval of the Resolution on Vocational-technical Education Levels
Academic mobility
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 12.08.2015 №579 On Approval of the Resolution on the Procedure to Exercise the Right to Academic Mobility
Levels of vocational-technical education
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 03.06.1999 №956 On Approval of the Resolution on Vocational-technical Education Levels
List of fields and specialties
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 29.04.2015 №266 On Approval of the List of Fields and Specialties of Higher Education
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 02.09.2020 №765 On Approval of the List of Specialties of Professional Prehigher Education in Specialties with Additional Regulation
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 22.05.2020 №673 On Approval of the List of Specialties Leading to Professional Qualifications in Professions for which Additional Regulation is Required
Educational documents
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 22.07.2015 №645 On Documents of Vocational-technical Education of the State Template and their Supplements
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 09.09.2020 №811 On Documents on Higher Education (Scientific Degrees) (valid from 01.01.2021)
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 16.10.2018 №1109 On some Issues of Documents of General Secondary Education
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 25.01.2021 №102 On Approval of the Templates of Higher Education Documents (Scientific Degrees) and their Supplements, and Academic Transcript Template
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 10.02.2021 No. 164 On Approval of Methodological Recommendations Regarding the Description of Documents on Higher Education (Scientific Degrees) and their Supplements, Academic Records and Methodical Recommendations on Filling In European Diploma Supplements
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated April 2, 2015 No. 387 On Approval of the Order, Printing, Issuance and Registration of Documents on Vocational-technical Education of the State Format
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19.01.2016 №34 On Documents of Advanced Training
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated April 26, 2021 No. 466 On Documents on Professional Pre-higher Education
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 06.03.2019 № 167 On Awarding the Doctor of Philosophy Degree
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 12.01.2022 № 44 On Approval of the Procedure for Awarding of the Doctor of Philosophy Degree and Cancellation of the Decision of the One-time Specialized Academic Council of the Higher Education Institution, Scientific Institution on Awarding the Doctor of Philosophy Degree
Duplicates of education documents
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 06.03.2015 No. 249 On Approval of the Procedure for Granting Access to Individuals and Legal Entities to the Register of Higher Education Documents and the Procedure for Ordering, Printing, Issuing, Registering of Higher Education Documents and the European Diploma Supplement
Temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine
- Law of Ukraine On Ensuring Rights and Freedoms of Citizens and Legal Regime on the Temporarily Occupied Territory of Ukraine (2014)
- Law of Ukraine On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Relating to Ensuring Right to Education of Citizens that Live in the Territory of Anti-terrorist Actions (2016)
- Law of Ukraine On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine On Higher Education Relating to Ensuring the Right to Get Higher Education by Citizens that Live in the Temporarily Occupied Territory of Ukraine (2017)
- Law of Ukraine On Amendments to Section XV Final and Transition Provisions of the Law of Ukraine On Higher Education Relating to the Activity of Higher Education Institutions in the Territories of Donetsk and Luganck Regions under Ukrainian Authority (2017)
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated August 8, 2014 No. 917 Procedure for Ordering, Registering and Issuing Duplicates and Documents with Amendments on General Secondary Education of the State Format to Persons, who Obtained General Secondary Education in Educational Institutions in the Temporarily Occupied Territory of Ukraine and in Educational Institutions of Certain Settlements of Donetsk and Luhansk Regions (2017)
Legislative documents that have expired
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 08.08.2007 №1019 On Licensing of Educational Services` Provision (Valid until 02.02.2016)
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 01.06.1992 №303 On Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (Valid until 12.02.1996)
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 13.12.2006 №1719 On the List of Specialties for the Preparation of Bachelor Level Professionals (Valid until 01.09.2015)
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 27.08.2010 року №787 On Approval of the List of Specialties for the Preparation of Specialist and Master Level Professionals at Higher Education Institutions (Valid until 01.09.2015)
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 12.11.97 року №1260 On Documents on Education and Scientific Titles (Valid until 22.09.2015)
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 31.03.2015 №193 On Documents on Higher Education (Scientific Degrees) of the State Template (Valid until 01.01.2021)
- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 12.05.2015 №525 On Approval of the Forms of Documents on Higher Education (Scientific Degrees) of the State Template and their Supplements, Academic Transcript Template (Valid until 29.01.2021)
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21.11.2011 № 1183 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21.11.2011 № 1183 On Approval of Samples for Doctor's and Candidate’s of Science Diplomas (Valid until 01.01.2022)
This information has been produced with the financial assistance of the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe.
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- Category: Без категории
- Published on Wednesday, 24 November 2021 12:04
- Written by Макаревич Евгения
- Hits: 3223
In 2019, the Law on Professional Pre-higher Education was adopted in Ukraine, according to which the Professional Junior Bachelor’s Degree has been implemented. The first enrollment to these programs took place in 2020. Currently, the system of pre-higher professional education and its quality assurance tools are being further developed and implemented.
Professional Junior Bachelor’s diploma is obtained at the level of professional pre-higher education and awarded by an educational institution after successful completion of the program requirements.
Professional pre-higher education may be obtained after basic secondary education, complete general secondary education, technical and vocational education, professional pre-higher education and higher education. Persons who go for the professional pre-higher education after the basic secondary education are obliged to simultaneously complete the upper secondary program.
Program load
The Professional Junior Bachelor’s program load is 120-180 ECTS credits if obtained after complete general secondary education, of which up to 60 ECTS can be transferred based on the recognition of learning outcomes of the profile secondary education of corresponding field and/or specialty.
The load of the Professional Junior Bachelor’s programs after basic secondary education is up to 240 ECTS credits, including 120 ECTS for the integrated upper secondary program of corresponding field and/or specialty.
The load of the Professional Junior Bachelor’s programs after technical and vocational education, other programs of the professional pre-higher education or higher education is determined by admitting institutions, based on the amount of the recognised previous studies, which may be up to 50 percent of the total program.
The Professional Junior Bachelor’s programs are offered according to the list of approved higher education specialties.
National Qualifications Framework Level
Professional Junior Bachelor qualification refers to the 5th level of the National Qualification Framework and can be correlated with the 5th level of the European Qualifications Framework.
Academic rights (access to further education)
The Professional Junior Bachelor’s qualification gives access to continue education at the level of Junior Bachelor, Bachelor and integrated Master of medical, pharmaceutical or veterinary fields. The admitting higher education institutions may transfer the ECTS credits obtained at the Professional Junior Bachelor's program, the maximum amount of which is determined by the relevant higher education standard.
Quality assurance system
The quality assurance system of professional pre-higher education in Ukraine consists of:
1) quality assurance systems of institutions and their educational activities (internal quality assurance systems);
2) external quality assurance systems of institutions and their educational activities;
3) quality assurance systems for the operations of the State Education Quality Service and independent institutions of assessment and quality assurance.
The system of external quality assurance systems of the professional pre-higher education includes the following tools, procedures and measures:
1) standards of professional pre-higher education;
2) licensing of educational activities;
3) accreditation of programs;
4) external independent assessment of learning outcomes;
5) unified state qualification exam;
6) institutional audit;
7) monitoring of the education quality;
8) attestation of pedagogical (scientific and pedagogical) faculty;
9) certification of faculty;
10) public supervision.
The educational institutions shall operate and offer pre-higher education programs exclusively based on licenses issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Accreditation of programs is the assessment of the professional pre-higher education programs and educational activities of institutions with the purpose of ensuring and improving the quality of education. Accreditation of programs is carried out by the State Education Quality Service of Ukraine at the request of an institution. The first accreditation of a program is carried during the graduation year of the first cohort of students of the relevant program. Second and subsequent accreditations are carried out during the last year of validity of the previous accreditation certificate.
Professional pre-higher education programs can also be accredited by independent quality assurance establishments, approved by the State Education Quality Service of Ukraine.
Specialized professional pre-higher education: arts, sport and military
Professional pre-higher education programs also include specialized arts, sport or military programs.
Professional pre-higher art education
Professional pre-higher art education involves the acquisition of professional (including performing) competencies and is aimed at professional artistic and creative self-realization of students, obtaining qualifications in various arts, including training of teachers for primary art education. The professional pre-higher art education is offered to the graduates of primary and basic secondary education in arts and includes complete general secondary program, or it may be offered to upper secondary graduates and provides studies in a particular artistic specialty.
Professional pre-higher sport education
Professional pre-higher sport education leads to acquisition of professional competencies in the field of physical culture and sports, formation and development of individual abilities, in-depth mastery of specialization in the chosen sport. Professional pre-higher sport education is offered to the graduates of both basic secondary education in sports and in such cases includes upper secondary program, and to upper secondary graduates. These programs may be also developed to primary school graduates. Sport programs in different sports are developed by all-Ukrainian sports federations and approved by the central executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.
Professional pre-higher military education
Professional pre-higher military education involves military training and leads to acquisition of the professional competencies, formation and development of individual abilities and in-depth mastery of military specialization. These programs are open to graduates of upper secondary education. Professional pre-higher military training programs are developed by institutions of specialized military education (including military and sport) and approved by the relevant state bodies.
Specialized professional pre-higher education can be obtained also in institutions of specialized professional pre-higher education. Such institutions may also offer secondary programs which cover several level of complete general secondary education. The programs may be developed by educational institutions or in accordance with the typical programs.
Educational and professional programs and curricula of professional pre-higher education
Within the licensed specialty, an institution of professional pre-higher education develops and approves programs in accordance with the relevant institutional regulations. The requirements for programs are formulated in the state standard of professional pre-higher education in the relevant specialty. The state standards of professional pre-higher education are developed for each specialty in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework and are used to develop content and assessment of learning outcomes.
The standard of professional pre-higher education defines the following program requirements:
- list of mandatory general and special competencies and learning outcomes
- program admission requirements
- the amount of ECTS credits required for the relevant specialty
- assessment forms
- requirements to the system of internal quality assurance
- requirements of professional standards (if applicable).
Standards of professional pre-higher education of specialties giving access to professions with the additional state regulation may contain additional admission requirements, requirements to the program structure, content of education, organization of the educational process and attestation of graduates. The normative content for the relevant program is formulated based on the learning outcomes and includes:
- admission requirements
- the program content formulated in terms of learning outcomes
- ECTS volume
- list of educational components and logical sequence of their implementation
- requirements of professional standards (if available)
- attestation forms
- requirements to the system of internal quality assurance
- list of graduates’ competencies.
On the basis of the relevant program requirements, the institutions develop curriculum with lists and ECTS load of subjects, their logical sequence, forms of organization of teaching process, types of classes and schedule, forms of current and final assessments, ensuring the achievement of the program learning outcomes.
On the basis of the curriculum, the institutions develop individual curriculums, that are approved for each student for each academic year. The individual curriculum is based on the student’s choice within the limits established by legislation, taking into account the mandatory components and requirements of the program. The individual curriculum is mandatory for completion.
Types of institutions of professional pre-higher education:
Types of institutions of professional pre-higher education:
- professional college
- sergeant military college
- professional college with specific learning conditions
Professional college is a separate institution or structural division of a higher education institution, or another legal entity that offers professional pre-higher education programs, may conduct research and/or creative artistic and/or sports activities, provide a combination of theoretical studies with on-the-job training. The professional college has also the right, in accordance with its license(s), to offer upper secondary education, technical and vocational education, short-cycle higher education, and/or bachelor level of higher education. Professional colleges that offer specialized pre-higher education, may get the license(s) to offer two levels of general secondary education: basic and upper secondary.
Sergeant military college is a separate institution of advanced military education or a structural unit of a higher military educational institution that offers advanced military programs, that may be combined with applied scientific research or practical military training.
Professional college with specific learning conditions is a separate institution or a structural unit of a higher education institution with specific conditions of study, which offers pre-higher education programs, that may be combined with applied scientific research and practical training for the needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine, other central bodies of executive power implementing state policy for the state border protection, civil protection, and law-enforcement system.
Higher educational institutions of I-II levels of accreditation, which offered Junior Specialist programs up to 2020, and did not receive the status of a college in accordance with the Law of Ukraine On Higher Education, get the status of an institution of professional pre-higher education.
Educational documents on professional pre-higher education
A document on professional pre-higher education – Professional Junior Bachelor diploma (with diploma supplement) is issued to a person who has successfully completed the requirements of the relevant program. Documents on professional higher education are issued by institutions of professional pre-higher education where the studies take place.
The Professional Junior Bachelor diploma includes the following: the name of the issuing institution (or structural unit of a higher education institution, branch or campus); information on qualification, degree, specialty, specialization, educational and professional program; professional qualification (if applicable).
An integral part of the Professional Junior Bachelor diploma is a diploma supplement which contains structured information about the completed studies. The diploma supplement contains information on the learning outcomes with the list of subjects, grades and ECTS credits obtained, as well as information on the education system of Ukraine.
The Professional Junior Bachelor diploma shall indicate information about the program accreditation body (bodies), and diploma supplement shall have information about the relevant accreditation certificates and decisions issued by them.
Information on issued educational documents is added by institutions of professional pre-higher education (except for institutions of professional pre-higher military (and specialized military) education) into the Unified State Electronic Database on Education.
Information on all recognized institutions of professional pre-higher education (except for institutions of professional pre-higher military (and specialized military) education) is added into the Unified State Electronic Database on Education.
Historical profile:
Professional prehigher education up to 2023This information has been produced with the financial assistance of the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe.
International project
- Details
- Category: Без категории
- Published on Wednesday, 17 March 2021 09:44
- Written by Макаревич Евгения
- Hits: 35592
<а href="/">EU funded project ERASMUS+ KA3 «TPG on LRC: Thematic Peer Group B on the Lisbon Recognition Convention in the EHEA»
<а href="/">EU funded project ERASMUS+ KA3 «I-Comply: implementation of LRC COMPLIant recognition practices in the EHEA»
<а href="/">EU funded project ERASMUS+ KA3 «I-AR: implementation of automatic recognition in the Networks»